Privacy Policy

Your privacy is our priority because we believe you must feel confident about how we manage your personal information.

Purpose of Personal Data Collection

For the company to collect, process, or use your personal data for the purposes as follows:

  • Communication and provision of various information relating to products and services of the Company and offer of any projects in which customers may be interested
  • Preparation of marketing plan and analysis, process, development, and improvement of products and services of the Company
  • Transmission of information to any third party or business alliance of the Company about products and/or services of the Company

Privacy Policy

This policy shall be used for personal data protection for clients of SKHAI Company Limited, its affiliated company, and/or joint venture company (the “Company”) which you provide personal data through online and offline channels such as site visit, website, mobile application, social media (“Platform”), allowing you to search for, visit, use products and services of the Company and/or its partner such as:

  • Residential projects, i.e., condominiums, detached houses, townhouses, villas, and other projects
  • News and promotions of products and services
  • Any operation regarding products and services

Before using this website, please read the terms and conditions and the Privacy Policy for personal data protection. If you do not accept these terms and conditions and Privacy Policy for personal data protection in this website, we would like you to stop using this website immediately, and your continuing use of the website will indicate your consent to the terms and conditions and Privacy Policy for personal data protection of the Company as follows:


“Personal Data” means personal information that enables an individual to be identified, whether directly or indirectly.

“Cookies” means information sent from a website to each visitor’s computer while accessing such a website.

2.Personal Data collection

2.1 – The Company will collect your Personal Data that the Company received, whether directly or indirectly, which consists of;

Personal data include name, last name, gender, age, nationality, date of birth, marital status, address, occupation, place of work, postal code, email address, telephone number, credit card, personal income, and the car you are in driving.

Data on your interests such as products and services, hobbies, social networking activities, sports, traveling.

Data on your decision whether or not to choose products and services, such as the reason of purchase or selection of residence, budget, purpose, other products that are used for comparison, comments, and site visit information regarding products and services.

Data that specifies your location while using the website. If you enable the GPS, you consent the Company to collect and process your location information. However, if you would like to conceal this information, you can install programs or turn off GPS on your mobile phone.

Information searching behavior on the website where the Company will use cookies as a tool to collect data such as:

  • IP address
  • Type of web browser that is used to access
  • Web pages visited
  • Time spent on visiting
  • Websites that refer to the Company’s website

Necessary information to be provided to the Company and the Company is entitled to process such personal data as stipulated by law without consent as follows:

Data to be provided for complying with law or performance or execution of a contract or other data as stipulated by law. If you do not give your personal data, the Company may not proceed with such action requested by you or as the Company informs you or other consequences under the applicable law.

Data that is necessary for any lawful interest, such as collecting photos from the Company’s activities, etc.

Other Personal Data subject to your prior consent

2.2 – The Company will collect your Personal Data only as necessary or for collection and by the law. However, the Company may collect and anonymize any data.

If you access the website or advertisement that the Company does not operate, the privacy policy on personal data will be governed by that website. The Company shall not be held responsible.

2.3 – Method of Personal Data Collection

through the Company’s channel, e.g., electronic means, documentation, verbally, depending on circumstances, etc.; or

Through the channel of the Company’s partners / other service providers, e.g., Facebook, Line, etc., to create your profile or agent.

2.4 – Children
The Company has no intention to collect any Personal Data of a child whose age is less than that stipulated by law (the “Age Limit”). If you are younger than that of the Age Limit, please do not use the Company’s service or give any Personal Data to the Company. If you are a parent of a child whose age is less than the Age Limit and is aware that your child is giving Personal Data to the Company, please get in touch with the Company, and you may request to exercise your right instead. If you are a child of age that is less than the Age Limit and need to receive services and products of the Company, you must have the consent of your parent in place for the provision of your Personal Data.

3.Purpose of collection/use/disclosure of the Personal Data

3.1 – To provide service which you request, for example, in case you subscribe for information and promotion, the Company will only store and use basic information such as first name, last name, e-mail address, and telephone number for any subsequent communication with you or in case of an online booking, the Company will store and use information necessary to issue booking documents.

3.2 – To improve website performance, create a marketing plan, analyze data usage, evaluate the performance of service, improve and develop products and services of the Company.

3.3 – To communicate and provide information relating to products and services of the Company and/or its Affiliates, including relating privileges or promotion of the said products or services or any future change concerning the Privacy Policy for personal data protection.

3.4 – To comply with contracts to which you are a party or of which the Company uses services, such as to share your location information where the Company uses the location service of a third party.

3.5 – To pursue any legal actions, such as to prevent or cease any loss of life or damage to the body or health of a person, for educational study or statistics to provide an appropriate measure to protect your rights and freedom.

3.6 – To serve any other purposes which have been notified at the time of collection of your Personal Data or any other purposes about any of the above purposes.

3.7 – The Company will not use or disclose your Personal Data UNLESS. It is necessary for the purposes set out above or disclosed to any person in the Company or the parties involved in the contract, as required by law, governmental authority, supervision organization, or with your consent.

4.Potential Receivers of Your Personal Data

4.1 – The Company, partners of the Company, or any employee of relevant companies.

4.2 – Agents of the Company have been authorized to offer and sell the Company’s products and services, including the agent or person hired by such person.

4.3 – Other persons, including agent or person hired by such person who is arranging in connection with the Company’s products and services, the conduct of the marketing activities, the offer of the Company’s information, the development of the Company’s products and services, e.g., payment method, documentation system, technology, delivery of documents, research, etc.

4.4 – Condominium Juristic Person or Developed-Estate Juristic and /or Condominium manager or Developed-estate manager.

4.5 – Any governmental authority or supervision organization or any person to which the Company is required to disclose such data whether by-laws, regulations, or order about the Company or under the Company’s agreement with any governmental authority or any other person.

5.Security of Information

5.1 – The Company uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL), which is standard security for securing data transmitted over the Internet, including data encryption and firewall. A secured Socket Layer (SSL) is a technology accessing encrypted data to prevent sniffers while the information is transmitted over the Internet. The data encryption makes sniffers unable to understand the meaning of the information. This technology is also used for confirming the existence of the website.

The Company will regularly update and test its technology to ensure that your Personal Data is safe, secured, and trustworthy. The Company reserves the right to make changes to its security tools if the Company sees that it is of a higher standard and can secure data more efficiently.

5.2 – In case the Company made a deal with any third parties to develop and maintain the system and allocate resources or services on behalf of the Company, The personnel of such third parties who provide service to or act on behalf of the Company must agree to keep your Personal Data.

6.Owner’s rights

6.1 – The person who owns the Personal Data is entitled to access and make a copy of the relevant Personal Data provided to the Company and which is under control of the Company or request for disclosure of the Personal Data to which you do not consent UNLESS it is to protect the owner of the data or the rights of the other person, is contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of the law or court order or other cases as required by law.

6.2 – You may cancel the use of your Personal Data or the disclosure of your Personal Data to which you have consented.

After the cancellation, the Company may not serve you at its full capacity or as stated by the Company. However, the Company may collect data for inspection of services provided to you or to proceed with any legal actions, provided that the Company will not use your Personal Data for any other purposes.

6.3 – If the Company does not maintain the Personal Data as required by law, you may request the Company to destroy, remove, suspend the use of or anonymize your Personal Data.

6.4 – Any other rights under the laws, e.g., the right to amend personal data, the right to cancel the use of personal data, and object to any personal data process, for whatever reason.

6.5 – You may exercise any right as mentioned above by contacting [email protected], in which case the Company will consider and inform you of a result of your complaint within 30 days from the date on which the Company receives your complaint.

7. Marketing Activities and Promotional Activities

If the Company has sent any information related to its marketing activities and promotional activities, including those concerning products, services, or any interesting activities, and if you have agreed to receive such information but would like to cancel such receipt, you may proceed by contacting [email protected].

8. Exceptions to the Confidentiality of Personal Data

Any of the following actions shall not be deemed an offense to the Privacy Policy:

8.1 – An action towards the Personal Data that has been disclosed to the public when you disclose this information to the Company or that is publicly disclosed which is not the fault of the Company or its Affiliates.

8.2 – Disclosure of the Personal Data with your written consent or permission by any other means.

8.3 – Disclosure of information as necessary by-laws, orders, rules, regulations, court orders, governmental agency, or other necessities.

9. Personal Data Retention

The Company will retain your Personal Data only for such period of time as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy.

10. Changes to our Privacy Policy for personal data protection / Contact of the Company

10.1 – The company may change or update details of the Privacy Policy for personal data protection in part or its entirety. If there is a change, the Company will update its Privacy Policy for personal data protection on the website.

10.2 – Users may express their opinion on the Privacy Policy for personal data protection at “Contact Us.” However, users agree that the Company’s discretion is absolute.